Saturday, August 17, 2013

Prelude to a resurgence

Precidentially, I've been driven to spates of reflective blogging by some kind of external backpressure - often but not always related to a new season of planning, teaching and training for CTI Music Ministries, the organization I direct. We are on the verge of such a season, and I, therefore, appear to be on the verge of such a spate.

There are four specific areas to which I believe God is drawing my attention as we conclude the summer season of ministry and shift into our longer-range "fulltime" ministry year. These are concepts that I am encouraged to begin exploring more fully in our teaching, training, and methodology. Accordingly, I expect to be blogging about them in order to expand the conversation beyond my immediate sphere of influence.  So I encourage your comments and messages related to the posts that will follow.

The four areas are:

  1. Gospel centrality 
  2. Message delivery
  3. Worship leadership
  4. Sabbath rest 

May God be glorified in the outworking of our consideration of and reflection on these concepts!

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